Facial rejuvenation or cosmetic acupuncture is a non-surgical approach to healthy skin, wrinkle reduction, and facial re-sculpting. It will revitalize the face and skin and at the same time resolve underlying factors that contribute to the aging process. Needles inserted increase the flow of Qi (energy), and more blood circulate to the face, nourishing, hydrating, and toning. Needling points on the face enhances our "outer" beauty; needling additional acupuncture points (usually on the arms or legs) benefits "inside". This is a holistic approach: beautify the exterior and tend to the interior influences.
The Goal Using small hand needles, I will insert them into the dermal layer of the skin. The goal is to stimulate the body’s natural production of collagen and elastin by causing a tiny ‘micro trauma’ to the facial tissue. The Effect When the body senses the tiny ‘trauma’ caused by the needle, it rushes collagen and elastin to the injury site for repair. In the repair process, your skin becomes more plump and resilient.
The Result By increasing production of collagen and elastin, the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles is minimized, the quality and texture of the skin is improved, sagging of the eyelids and jawline is lifted, and color and luster of the skin is improved.
Treatment Protocol The facial acupuncture protocol consists of 10 treatments administered 2 times per week for a total of 5 weeks. The treatments are generally 60 minutes long and include not only a full facial treatment, but a body acupuncture treatment as well.
It generally takes 5 weeks for the collagen and elastin to become permanent in the skin. It is also optimal to stimulate this production at least 2 times in the same week.
Doing the entire 10 treatment protocol is highly recommended to achieve maximum results.
This is especially true for more advanced signs of aging, sun damage, or if we are addressing acne or rosacia. While the facial needles are applied to address the damage to the face caused by aging, the body needles are applied to treat the underlying constitutionality of your body.
Facial Gua Sha Gua Sha is a very light scrapping technique that feels like a facial massage. Once, the face is cleaned and moisturized; we begin with the forehead and continue to all six zones of the face. Lastly, we end with the neck to tighten the skin. Gua Sha stimulates the nerve ending in the epidermis and improves micro-stimulation. This has the effect of replenishing oxygen and nutrients to the skin to help restoring elasticity and smoothness.
The overall benefits:
Stimulates blood flow and nutrients to the face
Encourages removal of toxins
According to reflexology, the entire body is being treated
Exfoliation; the removal of dead skin cells
The Beauty Within Nutrition is very important for good health and it also directly influences how our bodies and skin age. We will also advise you on Chinese diet therapy so that you may learn what foods may be contributing to unhealthy body patterns. This may include herbal formulas, which are very important in helping you to achieve maximum results.
Herbal Formula You will also be advised on how a customized herbal formula can help to correct underlying imbalances and support overall treatment. Aging is heavily influenced by free radical damage to the cell structure, and herbs are a great way to reduce this type of damage. They also provide countless phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are beneficial to the body.
Fees of Service
Facial Acupuncture $115 session
Package of 10 treatments $1,150 + purchase of Neora face care
Loyalty Benefits: Any additional sessions purchased after 10 treatments will be at discount rate. $90 per session.