At Revive Health we offer many different services as parts of a comprehensive Oriental medicine treatment. We believe in a customized system of approach to care for each patient’s unique needs. This is accomplished through the practitioners’ expertise and experience in different Oriental medicine techniques. Below are the services we provide at Revive Health Acupuncture:
Acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, dietary therapy, herbal consultation, pediatric acupressure, energy flow exercise and so on.
Acupuncture Acupuncture is the insertion of thin needles into key points on body channels and meridians in order to relieve pain, disease, and promote general health.
Moxibustion Moxibustion involves burning the herb mugwort and holding the moxa stick close to the treatment area. The purpose of moxibustion is to strengthen the blood and stimulate qi flow.
Cupping Cupping is a simple method that revitalizes and causes stagnant blood and body energy to circulate about the body. Glass cups are placed upon the injured area and used for suction. It is done to improve circulation and aid fatigued muscles.
Acupuncture is the practice of inserting a sterile, thin needle into various points on the body for the purpose of removing energetic and/or physical blockages from the acupuncture channels. We may also use acupuncture to help support or tonify a particular organ if it is weak. Acupuncture was developed by the Chinese approximately 2000 years ago as a method for treating both acute and chronic illness. Today we use acupuncture to treat a wide range of clinical complaints including:
common colds and flu
general or localized pain
immune system deficiencies
gynecological disorders
dermatological conditions
substance abuse
weight management
digestive disorders
traumatic injuries
stress and anxiety
chronic fatigue
For small children or those who are needle-phobic we offer acupressure which stimulates the points using finger pressure or a small magnet or seed applied to the point with tape.
How Acupuncture Works: The way in which acupuncture works is not completely understood. One theory suggests that stimulating acupuncture points on the extremities will activate the peripheral nervous system, which in turn sends a message to the brain. The brain receives this message and may respond by releasing powerful neurotransmitters, such as endorphins, which can have a profound effect on things like pain and mood. Acupuncture may also help to:
Increase circulation, which brings nutrients to injured tissue and opens up blockages that cause sore muscles and other pain
Strengthen the immune system in order to prevent or treat allergies
Release pain killing endorphins to diminish or eliminate pain
Regulate hormones, blood pressure and body temperature to bring the body back into a more balanced and relaxed state